aside from countless amounts of animal welfare and rights issues, that I'm not going into, there is a new reason to avoid eating meat.
Here's a link to the yahoo news article about the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase and it's ability to create new fat cells. It's a type of protein that is emitted from mammals. Avoiding the consumption of it, would avoid weight issues and regulate fat development:
and here's information about it from Wikipedia:
and did you hear that the FDA approved cloning of farm animals for the meat industry
in january? I really don't know what to think about that... that's just messed up.
and also, Bush is bullying up the European Union into allowing GMO crops, stating:
"I hope European governments will reconsider policies that discourage farmers in developing countries from using safe biotechnology to feed their own people," Bush stated in his Krakow speech. "America and Europe must work closely to develop and apply new technologies, that will improve our air and water quality and protect the health of the world's people."
Is he even more of a complete moron than one suspected? How could biotechnology EVER be good?? Is the nation that guilable? WAKE UP!!! Genetically Modified crops Genetically Modified crops are bio-engineered to repel destructive insects and survive chemical weed killers. All of these could be avoided with sustainable agriculture and organic methods of farming. We all operated on an organic farming scale until around World War II. "Those opposed to GM crops fear they could endanger human health, damage the environment and reduces crop plants' natural immunity to disease and insects." This is exactly what we've been doing for the entire 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, killing our selves, making our planet uminhabitable, and destroying natural selection.